What to see in San Piero a Sieve

What to see in San Piero a Sieve? Below the 8 most important attractions in the country. In the area there are numerous villas belonging to the Medici family such as Villa Adami, Villa Schifanoia and Villa le Mozzete. There are numerous churches, convents and fortresses. With regard to the fortresses, the most important is San Martino, only one of its kind. Find out with us what to see in San Piero a Sieve.

  • Villa Adami

Villa Adami was built in the 16th century on commissione by the Medici and later passed to the Adami family. Of particular importance is the Medicean tower. The villa represents a new noble residence: the urban residence. On the facade, still visible today, mythological figures, animals and flowers in terracotta. The interior has exposed beams, cornices and frescoes. Between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the garden surrounding the Villa was built. In 1991, the City Council decided to start restructuring. Public recreation classrooms and a municipal library give a title to Piero Bargellini were constructed.

  • Villa Schifanoia

Villa Schifanoia was probably built in the 14th century. It was the property of the Medici family. The villa developed around the existing tower. The latter was turned into a dovecote in the fifteenth century. It was bought by the Cambray Digny family who turned it into a farm villa. It was restored between the 17th and 18th centuries.

  • Fortress of Saint Martin

The fortress of San Martino was built in 1569 by Cosimo I de ‘Medici on Buontalenti’s project. The fortress was surrounded by walls longer than 1 and a half miles, 12 meters high, and there were seven bastions. In the mountain a passage was made to pass the horses in the event of siege. Inside the Fortress there are underground living rooms, warehouses, windmills, cisterns. In the upper part there was a fortress with five bastions and an oratory in honor of Sant’Anna. There was also a big bell that marked the hours. Near the Fortezza di San Martino there is a Romanesque church.

  • Bosco ai Frati Convent

Bosco dei Frati Convent was built before the year one thousand by the Ubaldini family. Subsequently it became Basilian monastery and then occupied by hermits. Due to the plague, in 1349, the convent was almost abandoned. He returned to his utmost splendor when, Cosimo the Old Man of the Medici, Michelozzo restructured him in 1420. Inside the Convent there is the Sala de ‘Medici, a small sacred art museum where a crucifix is attributed to Donatello and other paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries. Attached to the Convent there is the Romanesque Gothic church of San Bonaventura. Some modifications, such as the loggia, were made by Michelozzo.

  • Monterezzonico Castle

The Castle is located on a mountain south of San Piero a Sieve and belonged to the Ubaldini family. From military forts it was transformed into a noble residence by the Medici. Today, you can see some remains of the castle such as the stone portal surmounted by a tower and walls. Inside, there are some water tanks. In recent centuries it was used as a farmhouse.

  • Parish church of San Pietro

The Parish church of San Pietro is one of the oldest churches in Mugello. It was probably built before the 11th century. The pieve overlooks a small square where the statue of St. Peter stands. It was rebuilt by theparish priest Leonardo of Bernardo de ‘Medici. It is equipped with three entrance doors ( above one door there is engraved 1776, that is, the date of the restoration). The bell tower dates back to 1607 and was renovated in 1906. It is built in three naves, of which the central elevated. Five round arches are supported by five square columns. The apse was replaced by a rectangular tribune. Today, however, you can still see the original structure. Inside you can admire: the baptismal font of Luca della Robbia (where scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist and coat-of-arms of the Medici family are represented) and a wooden crucifix attributed to Raffaello da Montelupo.

  • Church of Santa Maria and San Niccolò

The church of Santa Maria and San Niccolò is located in Spugnole. The church has been remembered since 1066 and is considered one of the best examples of Romanesque church  in Mugello. Inside the church, on the main altar, there is a 14th century painting depicting the Most Holy Mary during Ascension. Where is the church today, there was a castle. Today you can only admire the remains of walls and towers.

  • Villa le Mozzete

Villa le Mozzete was built by the Medici family in the 14th century. It was used as a granary of the other villas in their possession. It still looks like a farmhouse today and is used to celebrate weddings and other events. Around the villa is a 4 hectare park with secular plants. Among these stands a cedar of Lebanon, cataloged among the monumental trees of Italy.

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