What to see in Dicomano

What to see in Dicomano? There are many attractions that are visited every year by tourists. An excellent advice is to go for the historic downtown with no destination. It is only in this way that you discover the most beautiful places and enjoy the warmth and beauty of the Mugello municipalities. Continue reading the article to find out what to see in Dicomano. Surely among the most important things to see are the Frascole Archaeological Excavations and the Surfed Archaeological Museum.

  • Piazza Buonamici

In Piazza Buonamici you can admire two buildings that testify the quality of Dicomano’s urban architecture. Palazzo delle Pozze and Palazzo Della Nave, which were noble residences between the 17th and 18th centuries.

  • Palace of the Schools

Palazzo delle Scuole was built in 1888 by Pietro Comini. It is located in Piazza della Repubblica. It has a classic-style façade. Today it houses the City Hall.

  • Oratorio di Sant’Onofrio

The Oratory of Sant’Onofrio was built by Giuseppe del Rosso in 1796 for the will of the Dalle Pozze family. The exterior, in neoclassical style, houses a porch on four columns of sandstone. Here is a triangular pediment on which two angel statues stand. There is a sailing bellw tower.  The interior is made up of sixteen columns with Corinthian capitals supporting the dome. On the higher altar you can admire a painting attributed to Andrea del Castagno, the “Madonna dello Spedale”. On the left side there is a painting by Lorenzo Lippi dating back to 1662, the “Immaculate Conception between Saints”.

  • Pieve di Santa Maria

The Pieve of Santa Maria has undergone various restoration work and was damaged by the earthquake of 1542. It has a basilica plan with three aisles separated by arches on pillars. Outside we can admire the bell tower, probably of military origin. During the restoration, its orientation was overturned. Originally, the entrance portal was located where the semicircular apse is now.

Inside there are:

  • on the right wall the bas-relief robbiano in terracotta on which are represented the Wedding of S. Anna with S. Gioacchino (15th century) and the painting of the Madonna del Rosario (16th century)
  • in the chapel the painting of Nativity and adoration of the Magi, the painting of the Assumption of Francesco Curradi (1570-1661) and the painting of Our Lady of Carmine (1511-1574).
  • the painting depicting the Madonna on the throne with the Child and Saints attributed to the Ghirlandaio school
  • a robbiano circle representing Madonna and Child
  • triptych with the Madonna on the throne between S. Antonio Abate and S. Pietro.
  • Surfed Archaeological Museum

The Surfed Archaeological Museum of Mugello, Alto Mugello and Val di Sieve is located within the Palazzo Comunale. It tells the origins of the territory from prehistoric times to the Renaissance period. Read more … 

  • Frascole Archaeological excavations

The territory of Dicomano is rich in archaeological finds. The area of Frascole is the place that has returned most archaeological finds. The archaeological area of Frascole offers a visit to a daily exploration archaeological area. Read more…

  • Church of S. Jacopo in Frascole

The church of S. Jacopo became parish church in 1719 and has a neo-medieval bell tower. In 1923 it was restored

  • Villa di Poggio

Villa di Poggio was built in the 18th century. It consists of an elevated central part and a refined double flight of stairs on the facade. Visit the adjacent oratory dedicated to the Virgin of Pureness.


Discover Mugello is a site entirely dedicated to Mugello. Here you will find interesting news about the ten Municipalities, recreational activities, where to stay and where to sleep. It is the ideal place to organize your holiday in these beautiful hills near Florence.

