Oratory of the Company of San Jacopo

The Oratory of the Company of San Jacopo, dated 1508, is located on the square opposite the Pieve di Sant’Agata. The latter housed a large artistic heritage that had accumulated in time at the Pieve di Sant’Agata. This heritage was first protected and valued. Thus, at the Oratorio della Società di San Jacopo, under abandonment conditions, the Museum of Sacred Art was created. The museum houses paintings, sculptures and minor artworks coming from Pieve and churches in the area. An educational space was also built that helps people to read works. Among the most important works we remember:

  • Matrimonio mistico di Santa Caterina” by Bicci di Lorenzo (1430),
  • Due Angeli oranti in  enamelled terracotta by Andrea della Robbia
  • Madonna con bambino e san Giovannino, polychromy terracotta by Giovanni della Robbia (sec.XVI);
  • A panel of Maestro di Signa (sec. XV);
  • Un “San Michele” del of the Florentine Seventy;
  • The only known work of Nicholaus“Madonna col Bambino, San Gavino e San Miniato” of 1345.
  • Altarpiece “Madonna col Bambino, San Jacopo e Sant’Agata”  of the school of Rodolfo del Ghirlandaio.
  • Canvas by Jacopo Vignali, Madonna con bambino e santi, of 1632.

In the sacristy are collected liturgical furnishings. Among them there is the astute cross of 1378. The Crist, in molten bronze is attributed to Andrea and Nicola Pisano. Ghiberti will be inspired by this Christ for realizing the Crucifix of the north gate of the Baptistery.


  • November-March (no December and January): open on reservation only for groups of minimum 10 people
  • April – October: Sundays and holidays: 16:00 – 19:00
  • Closed Easter, August 15th and Christmas
  • On reservation guided tours and didactic workshops for both adults and children.

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